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Raffle & Auction

Raffle & Live Auction

An intimate camp setting means giving back to the camp community


We belong to a Y Camp Family that understands the need for diverse, values-driven, life-changing programs focusing on inclusion and opportunities, over bottom lines and profit. The NEYCC provides the resources to promote this development in all YMCA Camps. However, just like our campers, not all camps have the funds to attend this conference.

Our raffle and live auction provide the necessary funding to ensure the conference is accessible for all camps. All proceeds are used to help keep the cost of the conference low and to provide financial assistance to camps attending NEYCC. If we all support the raffle with even $5, we will be able to provide more assistance than ever before and consequently, more professional development for future camp leaders.

If you have questions about the raffle or want to help us gather items, please email Blake!

Here’s what you need to know about the raffle:

  • Each camp is asked to bring a “basket” of smaller items for the raffle. If you choose camp apparel we encourage you to mix in a few items to showcase your local area

  • Baskets should be brought to the dining hall during, or immediately after, registration

  • Raffle tickets will be sold at registration and during the conference

  • PLEASE BRING CASH. Tickets are 10 for $10 or 30 for $20

Our live auction will take place at the CEO / Executive mixer at the Castle. This will ensure the appropriate audience for the bigger auction items and keep our dinner on schedule. Information coming soon on how to get involved in 2024.