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Pre-Conference Workshops


Additional Workshops

Looking to add even more professional development to your NEYCC expereience? Join us for one of these great pre-conference offerings on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.

Pre-Conference Offerings (additional fees apply and can be selected during registration):

Teambuilding 101 with Jim Cain:

The Adventure Trail (Tuesday)

Teambuilding Guru Dr. Jim Cain shares the content from his latest book, combining teambuilding, the stages of group development, and an immersive nature experience. 

Extraordinary Facilitation (Wednesday Morning)

Learn how to become a better facilitator with this collection of helpful tips, activities, and recommendations from Dr. Jim Cain.

YUSA Intro to Fiscal Management (with a specific Camp lens) led by Pat Foster:

This course is an overall introduction to fiscal management and finance principles. Participants will explore the connection between the YMCA mission and their role in responsible fiscal stewardship. Participants will learn the steps in a budget development process and review sample program budgets, then engage in experiential learning activities that will actually take them through all of the steps of creating a budget. The course also includes an overview of finance terminology and an introduction to the four-step pricing process model. Pat Foster is a YUSA fiscal management trainer and also the Executive Director at YMCA Camp Cory, so this course will be specifically geared towards a camp lens and use real examples from camp budgets.