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Awards & Recognitions

As a part of NEYCC, we would like to recognize those camps and individuals who are helping to innovate, lead, and inspire our movement. Please nominate a fellow Camp Professional or program for a 2024 award.

Program Innovation Award

Awarded to a camp or individual responsible for creating excellent programming in correlation with any of the YMCA missions, Healthy Living, Youth Development, or Social Responsibility. The program should be enduring and able to be replicated in order to further the cause of the YMCA and elevate the camping industry.  Note that there is no requirement for the size/scope of the program or the amount of money invested.

2016 – YMCA Camp Sloper, Southington-Cheshire Community YMCA

2017 – Lindsay Hutchinson, Frost Valley YMCA & Y-Knot Accessible Sailing, YMCA Camp Chingachgook

2018 – Zach Eigenbrodt, Frost Valley YMCA

2019 - YMCA Camp Sloper, Southington-Cheshire YMCA

2020 - Pat Gizinski, YMCA Camp Tockwogh

2023 - Gabrielle Lazarte, Camp Star at Hillsborough YMCA

Social Responsibility Award

Awarded to a camp or individual that demonstrates a commitment to Social Services, Global Services, Volunteerism & Giving, and/or Advocacy. This camp or individual has created a program, or, whose program as a whole addresses the specific needs of their local or extra-local community; whose initiatives have a substantial impact with a small investment; or have undertaken a long term project that is continuously supported by the camp and/or YMCA association.

2017 - Claudia Soo Hoo, Merrimack Valley YMCA Camps

2018 - Trisha Kline, YMCA Camp Zehnder, The Community YMCA

2019 - Antonio Thornton, Bear Glasgow Family YMCA

2020 - Jessie Emmons, Frost Valley YMCA

Rising Star Award

Awarded to an emerging leader in the camping industry who brings new ideas, creative approaches, a desire to learn, and a passion to the Y camping movement. Candidates will have not yet reached a senior-level position (no higher than camp director), but whose track-record reflects passion, success, maintenance of the YMCA core values, and the potential for appointment to the highest levels of the profession. This individual should be a camp professional for no less than 2 years and no more than 5 years.

2017 - Zac Broomfield, Camp Frank A. Day, West Suburban YMCA

2018 - Heather Hayes, YMCA of Greater Rochester

2019 - Sarah Mikiewicz, YMCA of Greater Rochester

2020 - Cara Apsley, YMCA Camp Bernie

2023 - Ru Foster, Camp Sloane YMCA

Legend In Camping

Awarded to a seasoned leader in the camping industry who is known for his/her outstanding service in Y camps. Candidates have pioneered and advocated to make noteworthy contributions in the camping field and have passed their knowledge to the next generation of Y camp leaders through coaching and mentorship. They exemplify the best service, research, and/or administration enabling them to strengthen the foundations of community. This individual has been in the Y movement for over 20 years and should be of high moral character demonstrating the Y’s core values and representing the Y’s mission.

2016 - Gary Forster

2018 - John Snowden

2019 - Debbie Parker

2020 - Philip Connor

2023 - Jerry Huncosky, Frost Valley YMCA