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Location & Rates

We have a true camp feel at this conference because it is hosted AT an actual YMCA camp!

Established in 1901 as one of the nation's first summer camps, Frost Valley YMCA now provides four seasons of outdoor, experiential and educational opportunities. Frost Valley YMCA is a 6,000-acre residential camping, environmental education, and conference center located in the heart of the “forever wild” Catskill Mountain Preserve.

Main Campus/West Valley Address for GPS: 2000 Frost Valley Road, Claryville, NY 12725

Frost Valley YMCA is conveniently located from (roughly):

  • Albany, NY: 2 hours

  • Hartford CT, 3 hours

  • JFK Airport: 2 hours 30 minutes

  • LaGuardia Airport: 2 hours 30 minutes

  • Manhattan, NY: 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Montclair, NJ: 2 hours 15 minutes

  • Newark, NJ: 2 hours 15 minutes


2024 Full Conference Registration + Lodging & Meals Rates:

**Please reach out to Frost Valley to get specific info on housing options!**

Camp Style – Rate: $275

All cabins/dorms have a central room that has 5 bunk beds and a “counselor room” for 2. Bathrooms and showers are located inside the cabins. ADA-accessible cabins are available. Current students may elect this housing option and get a discounted rate of $115

Lodge Style - Rate: $308

The lodges offer four private rooms sleeping 4 to 6 people in bunk beds, each with a private bath.

Castle (Inn) Rate: $368

This warm and beautifully appointed building features 11 private rooms with twin beds.

Hotel style accommodations:

Lakeview Lodge Shared - Rate: $505 (If no roommate is requested, one will be assigned)
Lakeview Single - Rate: $700