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Frequently Asked Questions

Travel & Directions

By Car - Please print off a copy of our driving directions directly from our website which you will find here
We strongly encourage guests to use the printed directions.  Some GPS systems will take you on unmaintained seasonal roads, or tell you that you have “reached your destination” when you are still miles from Frost Valley YMCA.


Check-in for the NEYCC begins at 10 AM on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024.  To check-in for the conference please stop by Frost Valley’s Welcome Center, the first building on your right after you have passed through our main entrance. Each participant will be required to bring a driver’s license or other appropriate photo ID for our RaptorWare background screening.

The conference begins with lunch on Wednesday, January 24th, 2024. Those registered for pre-conference or early arrival options will have meals beginning with dinner on Tuesday.

Cell phone & Internet Access

Cell phone – We do not have cell phone service here at camp.  However, WiFi calling is available at several locations around camp. Frost Valley YMCA provides house phones throughout our facility and you can inquire at check-in for access code to call out on the house phones.

Internet Access – Wireless internet is available in the Thomas Dining Hall, Geyer Hall, Lakeview Lodge, the Castle, and several other common areas around camp.

Meals During Your Stay

The first meal of the conference will begin with Lunch on Wednesday, January 24th and the final meal will be Lunch on Friday, January 26th.  Our kitchen will provide vegan and vegetarian options at each meal.  We are also able to accommodate all dietary allergies and restrictions.  Please contact us at so that we may accommodate your needs!

Weather Information

As you pack for your time with us, we encourage you to check your favorite weather site and put in our zip code – 12725.  What should I pack? We encourage participants to bring comfortable and layered clothing as the weather can change dramatically throughout the day.

In addition to your standard travel items, we also recommended

  • Sturdy/comfortable/ waterproof walking shoes

  • Flashlights

  • Business Cards - for those great networking opportunities

  • Camera - for those ‘wish you were here’ moments on Facebook

  • And anything else that would help you to relax while you are with us.

The Frost Valley YMCA store, located in the Dining hall, will be open and carry the necessities in the event that you forget anything or would like to pick up a souvenir for a loved one back home.

Information & Questions

For questions regarding your reservation, please contact our Reservations Department at or via phone at 845-985-2291 ext 450.

For general questions please contact John Coombs at