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About Us

I learned a lot about how to manage, operate, and create magic for a camp. I felt heard and understood in the Y community at this conference.
— Past Conference Attendee

NEYCC 2024

We know that the Y camp industry has drastically changed in the last few years, and rebuilding this conference to pre-pandemic levels has been a multi-year endeavor. We are anticipating around 200 - 250 attendees this year and can’t wait to be together to learn and grow so that our campers can have an even better experience in 2024.

The conference format will include educational sessions led by a dedicated speaker, round table & open discussions, and keynote speakers who present on pressing issues in the camp and youth development industry. We also hope to provide some time after each keynote for a chance to debrief the topic. Topics covered may include staffing and pay equity, fundraising, strategic planning/budgeting, and diversity/inclusion.

Behind every great conference, is a great committee.

The Northeast YMCA Camp Conference is such an incredible experience because it’s run by dedicated volunteers - volunteers who are working as camp and Y professionals throughout the northeast, just like you! The conference committee strives to make sure every participant walks away feeling a renewed sense of energy for their work and a newfound sense of camaraderie with other camp professionals. If you are interested in serving on the committee or volunteering during the conference, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the Conference Chair at

2024 Conference Committee:

Chair: Alex Learned, Camp Hazen YMCA

Vice-Chair: Alison Fisk, YMCA Camp Mason

Past-Chair: Jiné Andreozzi, YMCA Camp Chingachgook

Program Committee Co-Chairs: Ben Silliman, YMCA Camp Ingersoll & Mark Cadman, YMCA Camp Huckins

Participant Engagement Committee Chair: Blake Van Horn, YMCA Camp Cory

Sponsorship Committee & Vendor Chair: Patrick Foster, YMCA Camp Cory

Marketing Co-Chairs: Nicky Fauteux, Camp Hazen YMCA & Ru Foster, Camp Sloane YMCA

Recognition Chair: John McNair, YMCA Camp Coniston

Site Host & Volunteer Coordinator: John Coombs, Frost Valley YMCA